Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Post vet

Ok so we've just returned from the vets and the prognosis is Old Boy still has his eye, he just has a severe respiratory problem and his eye has puffed up as a result of that. He also has conjuntivitis. The vet gave him a shot of amoxycillin and also some fluid. He basically said he'll probably die. I was thinking we should probably put him down. But since getting him home he's now in the duck pen and he's crowing like a young cock. I think that shot must have done the trick as I feel he'll make a full recovery. We've got 10 days worth of pills to give him. That will be interesting.
So now Tommy is in the front pen, all of the chickens are let out (Young Boy included) and Speedy is in the glass box on the verandah. I was worried about her this morning as she looks like she's loosing feathers and she didn't want to eat an egg shell, which is very unlike her. I just fed her some canned corn and she ate lots of that, so I'm happy about that.


Anonymous said...

Old boy is tough, he'll recover. I once had bronchitis and Amoxi does its thing. Don't put him down...or i'll make Tshirts sayn Save old Boy!!! lol

and go speedy go!
that girl will stay a diva till the end...

luv from the city to da farm

i'm an official lbc blogger now

melbajh said...

Cheers for checking in on us at the farm Abs. I'd love one of those 'save Old Boy' shirts.
Speedy is such a diva, you're right about that one.