Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Everyone has been sick here at the farm and its not just something a little shot of yoghurt can fix. As a result I've been away from the farm and the animals. I returned today to see everyone still penned up and muddy. Needless to say its still raining.
Old Boy is still penned in the duck pen and his eye is really looking better. While his eye is clearing up, the fluid hasn't. He still sounds really blocked up, I also noticed his tail feather was down a little. He had a day off the meds today, so tomorrow we'll get him back on them and on the road to recovery (again). I fed him some corn kernels which he liked, and he went straight to sleep after that. Tomorrow I'm going to let him out of the pen for a little walk around.
Tommy is still in with the chickens and Speedy is practically bald. I will take some photos of her malting.

1 comment:

Remy The Dog said...

Awww, sending good health from Perth. I'm finally in your country again and way over on the other side where I can't come and play nurse. Love to you all.