Thursday, February 14, 2008

Survivor: Hydrorancho

Here's Tommy with all his friends on the verandah. I moved a little bit of hay to where he was sitting to make him more comfortable. He's such a mumma's boy now. I think he likes sitting on the verandah as he gets to see whats going on below. Or maybe I just like having him there. Its great I don't have to move from my desk to see him.

I'm still worried about Speedy. I went to look for her before and found her standing underneath the shed. It was just that she was standing still. I know that sounds like nothing, but that is how she was the other day when I thought she was just sleepy.
UPDATE: After yet another trip made out to check on Speedy I found her in the chicken pen with the other sluts. I picked her up and had a good look at her and noticed she is indeed malting as I could see all of the feathers starting to protude through her skin on her leg. So emergency aborted, Speedy will be fine. Phew.

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