Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Raining again

When I came home yesterday I went straight out and said hello to Tommy and my little princess Speedy. Everyone is still in lock down mode in the chicken and duck pens. It been raining again, and I think it will all week. Just when the puddle had almost dried up in front of the duck pen - the rain started again.
I've decided that I'm going to plant the watermelon on top of the ducks grave site to signify closure, that no more are going to die. Perhaps I should have done it straight after the girls died. I think we are going to get some female ducks. Probably about two, just to keep Tommy happy. I'd imagine we'll do this after the rain stops. I'd like to get some females that have different colouring and perhaps then I'll change the blog name back.

Beaker's death was hard on everyone yesterday, but he was just sick and his breathing was so difficult I was glad his suffering was over.

I purchased a $5 calendar of dogs wearing clothes yesterday... it made me feel so much better.


Remy The Dog said...

To cheer you up, Remy is going to do a series of portraits of her outfits. Stay tuned.

melbajh said...

Excellent, I'll keep a close eye on your blog. Perhaps she could look at doing a calendar for next year.