Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I'm just going to check on Miss Muffet
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
One week
He gave her a shot of something, hopefully that will stimulate her appetite. I'm not giving up on her just yet as she ate some grain this morning and a few pieces of pasta so hopefully she'll increase on that tomorrow.
I cleaned Speedy's nest out, she's completely egg crazy. Today she was sitting on the side of her nest watching some hen lay an egg. Then when she'd done her business Speedy moved in, to keep them warm. I was having none of that and took away all of the eggs. So now she's back to sitting on zero eggs.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I came home this afternoon to find her still in the pen but in a different position. She ate a few pieces of pasta, a chip and drake some water. She stood up a little but then sat back down. Tomorrow I'm going to take her back to the vet as her course of antibiotics has finished. I think the next step for her is an x-ray. I still find humor in her illness, when ever I go into the pen to try and feed her or give her water she always manages to find enough strength to turn around on me. She's like Naboo turning her back on me.
I noticed a little mark on Speedys face as she was facing a different way in her nest. I had a poke underneath her and found only one egg. I'm not sure where the other 4 or 5 went but they are gone. I told Speedy she has been acting all loco and took her last remaining egg. She now has zero eggs so hopefully she'll be up and walking around soon. She's so boring when she nests.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Everyone is being kept in the pen today as I'm off to Brisbane and the neighbour isn't here to pen them. I'm going to hurry back tomorrow to so I can feed the animals and see how she is.
I don't really feel like she's in any pain though, which is good.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My sister's dog was here at the farm yesterday/this morning. It went after the good mother, but lucky for us she got away.
Also, the good mother is no longer hanging out with her kids, she's back laying eggs so the kids have been ditched. Mind you they are all pretty old now so its fine.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Miss Muffet update.. more
This evening when I got home I found Miss Muffet half sort of standing underneath a different tree to where I had left her (it was the next tree over). I took her down her water and she even ate some food. I got some more scraps from the cafe and took over the whole bag and just picked out a few things she likes. I decided that tonight she can stay in the pen as I know she's much happier over there. I think if she eats a bit more tomorrow she may just be up and walking around by the end of the week.
What a relief. I still don't know what it was or what has been affecting her. I'm going to continue to give her the antibiotic water (she's been on it since Tuesday). While I'm not sure she's out of the woods, I'm just so pleased she's eaten something.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Miss Muffet update
I've looked over her a few times and unfortunately I can't find a tick.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Vet's (again)
I went and purchased some ham and fed her some as when I offered her grain this morning she wasn't interested. I'll let you know the prognoses when I get home in a few hours
Monday, December 15, 2008
Miss Muffet on the other hand is a real concern. I will keep a close eye on her tomorrow and perhaps take her to the vet. Am I one of those panicky mothers? While she's still not walking, I'm concerned about her breathing. She's breathing through her mouth and taking quite deep breaths. I went put earlier and gave her the water so she can drink and re-hydrate herself. I'm hoping that's what it is, but I'm not sure. Because I wasn't at the farm today I'm not sure what she got up to, but hopefully she's just hot and thirsty.
If I go on the net and search for duck illness I just get worried... So I'm not going to do that.
Miss Muffet and Lady are finally putting Rusty's house to good use. I put that dog house in the chicken pen about six months ago, thinking they would love it. Tomorrow I'll get some photos.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Duck troubles
Now Miss Muffet is limping/ not walking. She was fine when I went out there to give them food in the morning but then when I came back after getting bananas she wasn't. She's now keeping Speedy company in the chicken pen. I think she may have some sort of arthritis or something in her left foot as its always bothered her, i think some days more than others. But she is laying at the moment so it could be just another reason for her to sit down. This morning I was watching Tommy and he kept closing his eyes, and I was worried about him getting conjunctivitis but then I just realised he was sleepy.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Trip fit for a Lady
Well lucky I'm not a vet as she's only got conjunctivitis. You should see the scratches on my arms from trying to catch Lady, I look like my old house-mate Alan from the psych ward.
Its going to be interesting trying to put Lady's eye ointment on by myself, but I'm sure I can work it out. Lady was actually very well behaved at the vets today, I think we've bonded.
Update: I went back tonight to give Lady more eye ointment, it was even harder this time but managed to give administer with less scratching, plus my neighbour was on hand to hold her down. I told Papa that it was difficult to which he replied all Yoda like "Lady knows your trying to help her, she will be fine". What I think she remembers is me scaring her and trying to wrap her in a towel as she attempts to flap her way to freedom. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. I hope Miss Muffet and Tommy don't get this.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Miss Muffets revenge
Friday, December 5, 2008
Sticky Beak
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Orphan love
I'm very pleased with this new development as crazy hen really needed to stop sitting on those eggs as they were really rank.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Its official
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Monthly wrap up
- I've noticed that not only does Tommy know his name he also knows when I say "Go for a swim". I was watching him one day have a drink of water and then start bathing in it, when I said "Go for a swim Tommy" at that point he looked up and walked off hurriedly to the pool for a swim. This has happened on a few occasions now.
- Speedy is nesting, she was nesting in the shed but as I removed her from her nest at night I told her that this is a "bery bad place Speedy". As Leon can concur from my grasp of the Japanese language every thing was bery.
- I ended up moving Speedy into the shed with a few eggs and now shes happily sitting in there. I've never known another chicken to sit on eggs even though the nest has been disrupted.
- Lady has lost all of her black on her head, I can still Miss Muffet and Lady apart as Miss Muffet is far friendlier.
- We've pulled two ticks from Miss Muffet and she still comes to the back door for some food.
- Last lot of Speedy's babies died when we were overseas, as did the other rooster as the neighbours curried him up as he was attacking a hen.
- Golden child is no longer going after the ducks and I even saw Tommy chase him to claim his territory.
And I think that's about it, oh my photography is still just as crap. I will blog more now that I've brought you up to speed. Speedy should be hatching sometime soon.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Post holiday results
I was only concerned about Speedy and the ducks, mainly Speedy though as she's so tiny and I thought would be total snake food. Much to my relief when I got home yesterday - everyone was fine, and they all still remembered me.
Miss Muffet was straight down to the back door, Ralphy flew down from the tree and Speedy let me pat her under her wing - I was home and talk about a whole world away from the Shinjuku.
My trip to Japan was amazing, it was the best holiday a girl could have. While I wont go into it too much here, above is a photo from when we went and saw the snow monkeys.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Back door duck
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Its been quite at the farm of late, my love for taking photos of Old Boy has gone, I've got a rooster that wants to have sex with my ducks and Speedy well shes just the Princess that she is.
I watched Miss Muffet and Lady munch on some dog shit the other day, they loved it. All I could think about is the crack fox from The Mighty Boosh.
I'll try and get a photo of RFKAGC for you.
Monday, September 29, 2008
I've made a huge mistake
But you know what? Miss Muffet just took it, I think she was pleased as the rooster (formally known as Golden Child) weighs about 1/10 of Tommy's weight.
Tommy is going to have to lift his game, it seems he's got some competition.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Cock Stew
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Snatching Duck Hidden Dragon
Sunday, September 14, 2008
RIP Old Boy
Good night Old Boy.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
In case anyone was wondering - Young Boy IV has gone to rooster heaven. I really never liked that Rooster so it was good riddance. Now Old Boy can roam free without worry of impending death. We have so many more roosters who are now all crowing so it will be curry time for them soon.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Remember this face
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Lady strut
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Slim Ralphy
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Ta da
Friday, August 22, 2008
Black Pearl
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Butter Chicken
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Lady Pasta
We made duck egg pasta on Sunday for the cafe. It was a great experience and the first time I've done it since the baby girls died at the beginning of the year. So if you're near the larder soon, get on down there and try some Miss Muffet and Lady pasta. Miss Muffet has decided to nest on one egg. When I get home later today I'm going to take it. Speedy is also laying eggs, she's been laying eggs in the shed which the chickens aren't aloud in. I turn a blind eye though. Yesterday Papa was telling me that he saw Speedy go into the shed and couldn't find one of her two nests of eggs so she came back out of the shed and just started attacking all of the chickens. To that I responded, "Speedy's a real firecracker".
I took some great photos of Old Boy sleep in in the sun on Saturday. I'm yet to upload them, but I will do some later today. I think me and Papa are going to take him back to the vet to get a check up on his eye. It seemed a little puffier than normal and I'm pretty sure he's blind. Maybe he needs an optometrist and not a vet.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Name day
I've been thinking of names to name Speedy's babies. I'm so proud of her, she gave us two hens. Out of the eight babies from the other slut there are 6 roosters and 2 hens. I was thinking about keeping the name in the Arrested Development strain and naming them Lindsey and Maybe. But I'm not totally sold on that one. Any suggestions? Perhaps I'll take a photo of them and maybe you'll get inspired.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Best in show
Monday, August 4, 2008
Duck Therapy
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Speedy vs Brown Bitch
I'll let brown bitch out in another few days, but not at the same time as when I let everyone else out. Perhaps then Speedy wont fight with her. I'm not even sure why they were fighting.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tommy (said with French accent)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Young chick
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Its cold
Rainy days
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
RIP Blondy Bear
I will eat your babies
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Introducing new Bad Mother
Then this morning she raced out of the pen leaving all 6 in the pen. I'm going to keep a close eye on her tonight and make sure she goes to sleep in the pen with all six kids.
Speedy slept in on of the mango trees last night with her two kids. I just love that chicken, this morning when I went outside to let everyone out Speedy was at the back door. And while I did invite her in she decided to take me up on that offer with her kids in tow. At that point I changed my mind and ushered her out. As papa said I should have waited until I got a photo. I'm slipping..
Tommy and his ladies are fine, Miss Muffet is still limping but I'm afraid it may be permanent. Miss Muffet ate some thing out of my hand the other day, or snatched it is more like it. I told Papa that I think in about 6months to a year those girls will really like me. I think they don't' trust me, perhaps its because I steel their eggs?
Anyway sorry for the delay in posting, much family dramas.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I'm back!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
I also went and saw the Little Penguins at Phillip Island and I want one. It was so cool watching them swim into shore and then turn back and then finally come in. Afterwards as we were walking back to the main area you got to watch them calling out and going to their little homes. I was going to say I'll post photos but you weren't aloud to take photos of the little chaps so I hope I've described it well enough.
Oh and the wine and food has been amazing here. Such great Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.
Friday, June 27, 2008
BluRum13 gave my blog and the farm more press on his myspace. I tell ya, my ducks are soon to be celebrities.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Winter sun
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Miss Muffet
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Princess Speedy
Miss Muffet is still limping around on one foot. I got her out of the pen today and she pottered about, I worried about her getting depressed by being in the pen by herself. I'm still a little worried about her as she was breathing through her mouth. The baby girls did that when they were dying. I'll keep a closer eye on her.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Little Miss Muffet
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
RIP Young Rooster
I had to help papa along as he kept putting it off, even wanting to do it tomorrow, but that was until I told him he was going soft in his old age. Damn I'm a hard arse.
Whats that, can I eat it?
I brought back some special food from the larder today so perhaps I can entice them closer tomorrow. I've been discussing further my Ducks of LBC enterprises. I was at the markets a few weeks ago and while I was able to buy most of my food for dinner I was unable to buy pasta. So I think I've found a gap in the market. I thought that if I could get more lady ducks then I could get their eggs and make baby girl pasta for a hobby . Now this would require me to run a market store, which is sort of like my nemisis but from there I'd be able to sell other assorted merchandise.
I see a stall with lots of big picture of my ducks around me.
How changed am I? This Mullumbimby air must be getting to me.