Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm just going to check on Miss Muffet

If you've been to the farm you would have heard me say "I'm just going to check on the ducks" well I've been doing it in overdrive this week. After last week's vets appointment I was so worried that she wasn't going to get any better - but I was wrong.

On Wednesday she started eating a little more and hobbling around. And she's just gotten better since then. Now she's foraging for food and even managing to run away from me! Below is a photo of her a few minutes ago walking away from me. While she's not fully recovered she does seem to be walking better and eating more. She's still very thin but getting there. I'm not sure if she'll ever walk again normally but as long as she isn't in any pain - that's the main thing. Her breathing is not longer hard so I'm pleased with that. Below is a shot of Tommy for good measure. He's so handsome.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

One week

I took Miss Muffet back to the vet today to see if I could get a bit more of an answer on her health. A different vet looked at her and diagnosed her with emphysema. He feels that she's too puffy around her chest and lungs. He basically told me if she doesn't pick up in a week I should bring her back to be put to sleep.
He gave her a shot of something, hopefully that will stimulate her appetite. I'm not giving up on her just yet as she ate some grain this morning and a few pieces of pasta so hopefully she'll increase on that tomorrow.

I cleaned Speedy's nest out, she's completely egg crazy. Today she was sitting on the side of her nest watching some hen lay an egg. Then when she'd done her business Speedy moved in, to keep them warm. I was having none of that and took away all of the eggs. So now she's back to sitting on zero eggs.

Monday, December 22, 2008


I made a pact with Miss Muffet on Sunday (before I left) that if she makes it through this I'd let her have babies soon. While we didn't quite shake on it, I will live up to my promise.
I came home this afternoon to find her still in the pen but in a different position. She ate a few pieces of pasta, a chip and drake some water. She stood up a little but then sat back down. Tomorrow I'm going to take her back to the vet as her course of antibiotics has finished. I think the next step for her is an x-ray. I still find humor in her illness, when ever I go into the pen to try and feed her or give her water she always manages to find enough strength to turn around on me. She's like Naboo turning her back on me.

I noticed a little mark on Speedys face as she was facing a different way in her nest. I had a poke underneath her and found only one egg. I'm not sure where the other 4 or 5 went but they are gone. I told Speedy she has been acting all loco and took her last remaining egg. She now has zero eggs so hopefully she'll be up and walking around soon. She's so boring when she nests.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Basically I'm at a loss in what I can do for Miss Muffet. She's still in the chicken pen with everyone, she's still got her water by her side, but now she hasn't eaten anything. I feel like she's gone back to how she was on Wednesday. Its now been two days since she's eaten anything and I feel like she's drinking even less fluids now.
Everyone is being kept in the pen today as I'm off to Brisbane and the neighbour isn't here to pen them. I'm going to hurry back tomorrow to so I can feed the animals and see how she is.
I don't really feel like she's in any pain though, which is good.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


So much for thinking that Miss Muffet would be up and walking around again. Since yesterday she hasn't really eaten anything, and now she's drinking less and less fluids. I'm still at a loss what I can do, but at least its much cooler today. I took her for a little swim yesterday as it was boiling hot. She sort of even did some little walking, well I wouldn't call it walking but its all she can muster at this time. Tomorrow it will be a week she's been like this.
My sister's dog was here at the farm yesterday/this morning. It went after the good mother, but lucky for us she got away.
Also, the good mother is no longer hanging out with her kids, she's back laying eggs so the kids have been ditched. Mind you they are all pretty old now so its fine.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Miss Muffet update.. more

I had to go to Brisbane today and leave Miss Muffet on her own. I plonked her down under a tree and left here there all day. It was hard leaving her as I wasn't sure how she was going to go. This morning when I first woke up I tried to feed her some food to no avail. I went and got a packet of curios and her face lit up. She knows the noise of the packets opening and loves it. She even ate one or two of the curios.
This evening when I got home I found Miss Muffet half sort of standing underneath a different tree to where I had left her (it was the next tree over). I took her down her water and she even ate some food. I got some more scraps from the cafe and took over the whole bag and just picked out a few things she likes. I decided that tonight she can stay in the pen as I know she's much happier over there. I think if she eats a bit more tomorrow she may just be up and walking around by the end of the week.
What a relief. I still don't know what it was or what has been affecting her. I'm going to continue to give her the antibiotic water (she's been on it since Tuesday). While I'm not sure she's out of the woods, I'm just so pleased she's eaten something.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Miss Muffet update

Well nothing has really changed since attending the vets yesterday. They are unsure what it is and the vet still seems to think its a tick. Miss Muffet is now on liquid antibiotics, last night she slept on the veranda. I can't put her back in with the animals as she needs her water to the separate. She's not really eating food anymore, the occasional curios but that's it. The vet said she's lost a little weight and perhaps she just has no energy and muscle to stand up. She's now outside near the back door and I think much happier, although still not eating. I'm really not sure what it is or if she will get better. Her breathing is at times through her mouth and others time through her nose. I just wish she'd eat some food.
I've looked over her a few times and unfortunately I can't find a tick.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vet's (again)

I'm taking Miss Muffet to the vets today. Miss Muffet still isn't walking and now her breathing seems to be worse. It sounds like she's wheezing now. When I called the vet they told me to look over her for a tick, but I just did and couldn't find one. She pooed on my twice today.
I went and purchased some ham and fed her some as when I offered her grain this morning she wasn't interested. I'll let you know the prognoses when I get home in a few hours

Monday, December 15, 2008


Well Ladies eye seems to be looking much better. After being away for a day and her only receiving the eye ointment once a day (instead of twice) I was very pleased with the results.
Miss Muffet on the other hand is a real concern. I will keep a close eye on her tomorrow and perhaps take her to the vet. Am I one of those panicky mothers? While she's still not walking, I'm concerned about her breathing. She's breathing through her mouth and taking quite deep breaths. I went put earlier and gave her the water so she can drink and re-hydrate herself. I'm hoping that's what it is, but I'm not sure. Because I wasn't at the farm today I'm not sure what she got up to, but hopefully she's just hot and thirsty.
If I go on the net and search for duck illness I just get worried... So I'm not going to do that.
Miss Muffet and Lady are finally putting Rusty's house to good use. I put that dog house in the chicken pen about six months ago, thinking they would love it. Tomorrow I'll get some photos.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Duck troubles

I've been managing to put Lady's eye ointment on by myself. I wouldn't call her happy about me catching her twice a day but she's getting better at accepting that I do it. I haven't really noticed her eye being much better. It was initially, but now its just the same. It's puffy and she's wiping it ab it but fingers crossed it will be much better into the new week.

Now Miss Muffet is limping/ not walking. She was fine when I went out there to give them food in the morning but then when I came back after getting bananas she wasn't. She's now keeping Speedy company in the chicken pen. I think she may have some sort of arthritis or something in her left foot as its always bothered her, i think some days more than others. But she is laying at the moment so it could be just another reason for her to sit down. This morning I was watching Tommy and he kept closing his eyes, and I was worried about him getting conjunctivitis but then I just realised he was sleepy.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Trip fit for a Lady

I just got home from taking Lady to the vets. I noticed about lunch time today she had her eye closed (very unusual for a duck) and was rarely opening it. I tried to get a closer look and couldn't even see her eye. I ended up grabbing her and taking her to the vets in an esky, when I had a look I thought that she'd lost the top layer of her eye - but I'm no vet.
Well lucky I'm not a vet as she's only got conjunctivitis. You should see the scratches on my arms from trying to catch Lady, I look like my old house-mate Alan from the psych ward.

Its going to be interesting trying to put Lady's eye ointment on by myself, but I'm sure I can work it out. Lady was actually very well behaved at the vets today, I think we've bonded.

Update: I went back tonight to give Lady more eye ointment, it was even harder this time but managed to give administer with less scratching, plus my neighbour was on hand to hold her down. I told Papa that it was difficult to which he replied all Yoda like "Lady knows your trying to help her, she will be fine". What I think she remembers is me scaring her and trying to wrap her in a towel as she attempts to flap her way to freedom. We'll see how it goes tomorrow. I hope Miss Muffet and Tommy don't get this.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Here is Speedy nesting. This is her bed and nest, even to the point where I thought about getting a sign for it. Actually the sign was more me writing on it with a nikko pen "Speedy's Bed". I opted against this option when I realised the neighbour (who lets them out every Monday) would think I was pretty crazy. I'm beginning to think that Speedy's eggs aren't going to hatch, as an incubation period for chickens is 21 days. Speedy has been sitting on these eggs since the day after we got home from Japan, so well over 21 days. She's been getting off the eggs every morning so I think she is starting to realise this as well. I'll have to get papa to take the eggs as I don't want anything to tarnish our relationship.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Miss Muffets revenge

Miss Muffet has been seeking out Golden Child exact her revenge on him. I think he's no longer attempting to mate with her anymore has he's now getting some hen action (brown bitch).
The photo above is Miss Muffet and Golden Child (I keep calling him Young Boy) and the next photo is her chasing off after him.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Sticky Beak

Here's Brown Bitch coming over for a sticky beak yesterday when I was taking photos of her adopted kids.
Speedy got off her eggs this morning for some food, it was good to see her walking around. I'm beginning to think her eggs should have hatched by now.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Orphan love

I was watching crazy hen last night and noted that she let brown bitches reject kids sleep with her. It seems that is just what she needed - a little chicken love. She's now their surrogate mother hanging out with them. I'm not sure if I mentioned it in my wrap up, but I will do so now. You see crazy hen really wants kids of her own, but I think she may be too old too lay - I'm really not sure. She was sitting on one of the brown hens eggs. When we got home from Japan I found a hen nesting outside of the pen on the ground, the nest was really not hidden or anything. So one day when she was off eating Papa and I moved the eggs inside the pen thinking she's either going to forget about the eggs or go and sit on them. She forgot about them and crazy hen came along after about 3 days and started sitting on them. I knew they wouldn't work out as there was that space of a few days before they were incubated again.
I'm very pleased with this new development as crazy hen really needed to stop sitting on those eggs as they were really rank.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Its official

Well its official - Brown Bitch is the worst mother hen ever. Maternal instinct isn't really a thing you'd associate with chickens but after watching my brood over the years I've now realised it is.

We've had three really good mothers over the years - the current mother that has 8 chicks, she started with 8 and I'm sure all eight will grow up. Speedy's real mum, she was a good layer and always brought up a lot of kids, she even died protecting her kids. And lastly me - Speedy is still alive, she's two now.

Brown bitch on the other hand has just rejected her two latest kids and they are only about 2 months old. She's already pecking them to leave her alone. Its hard, because although she's a bad mother and rejects her kids it means now she'll start laying again and we get eggs again. I'm sure her latest rejects will grow up as long as they stick together. One of them is this cute light grey colour so hopefully it will mature.

I didn't want to take a photos of Brown Bitch so here's a mildly in focus picture of my backdoor bandit Miss Muffet. I now put water at the back door, do you think this encourages them? How green is the grass? I'm lovin it at the moment with all the rain we've had.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Monthly wrap up

Well here I was proclaiming I was back from holidays (which I was) but then I've been trying to get on top of all of the works since returning.. boring stuff really. Not much has really been happening but I've made a few mental notes and report them now.

  • I've noticed that not only does Tommy know his name he also knows when I say "Go for a swim". I was watching him one day have a drink of water and then start bathing in it, when I said "Go for a swim Tommy" at that point he looked up and walked off hurriedly to the pool for a swim. This has happened on a few occasions now.

  • Speedy is nesting, she was nesting in the shed but as I removed her from her nest at night I told her that this is a "bery bad place Speedy". As Leon can concur from my grasp of the Japanese language every thing was bery.

  • I ended up moving Speedy into the shed with a few eggs and now shes happily sitting in there. I've never known another chicken to sit on eggs even though the nest has been disrupted.

  • Lady has lost all of her black on her head, I can still Miss Muffet and Lady apart as Miss Muffet is far friendlier.

  • We've pulled two ticks from Miss Muffet and she still comes to the back door for some food.

  • Last lot of Speedy's babies died when we were overseas, as did the other rooster as the neighbours curried him up as he was attacking a hen.
  • Golden child is no longer going after the ducks and I even saw Tommy chase him to claim his territory.

And I think that's about it, oh my photography is still just as crap. I will blog more now that I've brought you up to speed. Speedy should be hatching sometime soon.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post holiday results

While I tried to keep my fears hidden from my loved ones while I was on holiday, I was secretly worried about the animals while I was in Japan.
"Would they still be alive when I get home?" "Would they remember me when I got home?"

I was only concerned about Speedy and the ducks, mainly Speedy though as she's so tiny and I thought would be total snake food. Much to my relief when I got home yesterday - everyone was fine, and they all still remembered me.

Miss Muffet was straight down to the back door, Ralphy flew down from the tree and Speedy let me pat her under her wing - I was home and talk about a whole world away from the Shinjuku.

My trip to Japan was amazing, it was the best holiday a girl could have. While I wont go into it too much here, above is a photo from when we went and saw the snow monkeys.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Back door duck

Miss Muffet is my new best friend. I got busted by Papa this week as my new best friend has been constantly hanging out by the back door for me. So I may have fed her a few times, doesn't mean I did it all the time.
Speedy has found the best place to hang out (she and another hen discovered it the other day) - The worm farm. Papa left the top off it the other day, only for me to find out about two days later when I saw a hen laying an egg in there. Now everyone is in there, its a chicken/worm party. Papa makes it worse buy throwing worms to Speedy, but who could resist her?
Nothing really exciting has been happening here, aside from me going to Japan that is!!! So the ducks and chickens are being looked after by the neighbour. I ran through it with her today, fingers crossed everyone survives while I'm gone.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


In case your wondering RFKAGC is the new name for the 'Rooster Formally Known As Golden Child'. This rooster has it in for some duck lovin. He was chasing Miss Muffet around yesterday and then he wanted some Lady action as well. The other day he even went up to Tommy and looked like he was going to pounce on him. Tommy realised this and had a little word to him.
Its been quite at the farm of late, my love for taking photos of Old Boy has gone, I've got a rooster that wants to have sex with my ducks and Speedy well shes just the Princess that she is.
I watched Miss Muffet and Lady munch on some dog shit the other day, they loved it. All I could think about is the crack fox from The Mighty Boosh.
I'll try and get a photo of RFKAGC for you.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I've made a huge mistake

Yep that's right, I've made a huge mistake. Golden Child is golden child no more, I caught him trying to fuck Miss Muffet and I'm sorry, but chickens aren't allowed to mate with ducks.
But you know what? Miss Muffet just took it, I think she was pleased as the rooster (formally known as Golden Child) weighs about 1/10 of Tommy's weight.
Tommy is going to have to lift his game, it seems he's got some competition.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cock Stew

Old Boy has his sweet revenge, tonight my friends its Cock Stew time at the ranch. Its been quite on the blog front lately, I've been nursing my wounds from the death of Old Boy. But today at Hydrorancho my favourite butcher made his return to the farm. No more will I wake up to 7 roosters crowing, now it will be 2. I made my decision today and picked the rooster who will follow in Old Boys path, but an extra one made a dash for it, so now there are two. So I've named the chosed rooster Golden Child, the other will be stew later.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


With summer nearly hear the bugs have arrived too. Everyone was out at about 5pm today trying to catch all of the bugs. It was so cute I had to get out there and take lots of photos. Tommy wasn't as quick as the girls catching them, he looked like he was waiting for the bugs to fly straight into his mouth.

Also, I forgot to mention it the other day, I saw a young rooster chasing its tail. It was going round and round, it was hilarious. I tried to get it on film but by the time I got the camera it had worked out it was just a tail.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Snatching Duck Hidden Dragon

Miss Muffet can't get enough of these snacks. They are called Curios and they are like wafer thin cardboard treats with a hint of fruity flavouring. Not my favourite snack, but Miss Muffet is addicted. She's always hanging by the back door waiting for her next hit. She even snatches it out of Speedy's mouth, there is no fear when it comes to Curios. She even snatched at the packet as it had a pretty life like picture on the front.

I want to say that life is slowly returning to normal after the death of Old Boy, but that's incorrect. I dream of ways of killing the remaining roosters, I plot their eventual demise. Every time I hear a crow (which is very often) I think of Old Boy and his funny high pitched crow he had and I miss him. It was so hot and sunny yesterday and Old Boy would have loved it.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

RIP Old Boy

It brings me great sadness to tell everyone that Old Boy died today. That little up and coming rooster beat him up and killed him early this morning. It must have happened very quickly as we didn't hear anything. Poor Old Boy.

He had a good innings as Papa said, but I'm still upset. I knew this day would happen, but I was really hoping he'd die of old age. Only yesterday did he surprise us all by letting the baby chicks cuddle under his wing as they slept.

Good night Old Boy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I had a visitor this morning. I was working away (very hard, of course) when I heard a little 'tap tap' noise. And there was my little Princess Speedy. I quickly grabbed the camera but she started to walk off. It was pretty cute, if only I could train her. I would love to have her sit on my lap and watch some Strangers with Candy with me. I think Speedy would like Geri.

In case anyone was wondering - Young Boy IV has gone to rooster heaven. I really never liked that Rooster so it was good riddance. Now Old Boy can roam free without worry of impending death. We have so many more roosters who are now all crowing so it will be curry time for them soon.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Remember this face

Brown bitch is officially the worst mother ever. She beats Speedy for ditching her kids early. Here she is happily posing for photos while her kids chirp and wonder where their mother is.

Young Boy is supposedly going down to the neighbours house for some curry today. We'll wait and see before I go posting him in the pet cemetery just yet.

All six of those baby roosters have started crowing... its pretty annoying. They too will be curry in no time at all.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Lady strut

Lady has had a sore foot for most of today, the poor little thing. I think Tommy may have pounded her and her foot may have been awkwardly placed. I sent Papa out to look at it, only to be told I was overreacting. Tuns out I may have been as she seems to be doing much better and is now walking with only a minor limp.
Its been raining here at the ranch for the past few days and the ducks have loved it. But today its back to usual sunshine.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Mr Handsome

So this is my wall paper on my phone. Old Boy awake
And this is the screen saver. How cute is he. His eye has responded well to the ointment we were putting in. I call Old Boy Mr Handsome, he is just so handsomeWe have a new family member at the farm. Her name is Faith, I'll show you a photo soon....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Vintage Speedy

I got a new phone yesterday and through modern technology I've managed to get some photos onto my computer to share with everyone. I love these photos of Speedy. I remember thinking she was so big and quite awkward looking.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Papa and I took Old Boy to the vet yesterday as we noticed his right eye was a tad swollen. We've got some ointment to put on it, but its a tad difficult. But I must admit, far easier to administer than a pill down his throat. I took Speedy's eggs last night and geez she was not happy with me. I figured it was because it was dark and she couldn't see it was me. But we're greedy and want eggs at the moment so I had to take them.

Everyone else is fine, he is Tommy with Miss Muffet looking for banana scraps under a mandarin tree. Tommy appears to be in the middle of telling her something pretty important.

I've discovered Miss Muffets favourite food. Its a breakfast snack made out of weet bix called Curios. Personally I think they taste like round bits of hard cardboard with a lick of sweet berry flavour but Miss Muffet thinks they are the best things ever. She snatches them out of my hand and gobbles them up, its pretty cute.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Slim Ralphy

"Guess who's back
Back again.
Ralphys back
Tell a friend"
How hot is Ralphy - posing on a knife?
Ralphy is scabbing so much food at the moment so I think Ralphetta is nesting as I haven't seen her. The bad news for him is that he's knocking on the door of a vegetarian household so he doesn't really get the food that he likes. Turns out Ralphy doesn't really like rice cakes.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ta da

How cool does this look? This is one dough and it fits just perfectly. I went to the markets today and I'm pretty sure I'm going to start a pasta business. Fancy that - me an entrepreneur and starting a market stall. Markets and stall owners used to be my nemesis, but now due to my love of organic donuts I've found a way to attend them.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Black Pearl

I was buoyed by the sales of my duck pasta going through the roof at the larder and I've decided to turn pro. I went and purchased myself a wizz bang pasta drying rack. Its a little over the top and I'm yet to work out how much it will actually dry but it looks shit hot.

I told papa that I was turning pro and I'm just a few steps away from starting up my own duck pasta stall at the markets. I told him I'm going to need to get more ducks.
Thanks to Emma, I've totally gone gourmet. I purchased the rack from her work http://www.blackpearl.com.au/

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Butter Chicken

I have a confession to make. Sometimes I feed Speedy butter. Its when I get scraps in from the cafe and there sometimes happens to be a portion of butter in there. And she loves it. I'm thinking that's why her feathers are so soft and beautiful. None of the other chickens have feathers like her. The photos above would have been perfect had she actually been looking at me, but not my little chicken. She'll do what she wants to do, when she wants to.
We sold a few serves of my Miss Muffet pasta yesterday at the cafe and one gentleman proclaimed it was the best meal he'd ever eaten. I was pretty pleased with that, I'll be sure to pass on the encouragement to Miss Muffet and Lady.
Also, the ducks liked swimming in the pond. I picked Miss Muffet up off her nest and took her over there and then I sort of ushered Tommy in there. Now that they know its there (and clean) I'm sure they will be swimming about in no time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Here's Old Boy sunning himself on Saturday. I noticed he was losing his balance a bit this morning when I let him out so I'll keep a mega close eye on him today.

Papa fixed the duck pond yesterday, the ducks are yet to discover it though. I look forward to taking some photos of them splashing about in the clean water. I took Miss Muffet's one egg this morning, so she's off sulking. No doubt she'll find the pond tomorrow.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lady Pasta

Ralphy has been hanging out a lot at the ranch lately. We think he must be nesting with some new baby Ralphys on the way so he's needing more food. Its been great having him back and he still manages to impress us with with "g'day mate" and barking like a dog.

We made duck egg pasta on Sunday for the cafe. It was a great experience and the first time I've done it since the baby girls died at the beginning of the year. So if you're near the larder soon, get on down there and try some Miss Muffet and Lady pasta. Miss Muffet has decided to nest on one egg. When I get home later today I'm going to take it. Speedy is also laying eggs, she's been laying eggs in the shed which the chickens aren't aloud in. I turn a blind eye though. Yesterday Papa was telling me that he saw Speedy go into the shed and couldn't find one of her two nests of eggs so she came back out of the shed and just started attacking all of the chickens. To that I responded, "Speedy's a real firecracker".

I took some great photos of Old Boy sleep in in the sun on Saturday. I'm yet to upload them, but I will do some later today. I think me and Papa are going to take him back to the vet to get a check up on his eye. It seemed a little puffier than normal and I'm pretty sure he's blind. Maybe he needs an optometrist and not a vet.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Name day

I found a black hen really getting into a dirt bath underneath the lemon tree today. Everything was fine until I realised she had found Blondy Bears grave and was having a dirt bath on top of him. Poor Blondy Bear, he's still not getting any rest even in his death.

I've been thinking of names to name Speedy's babies. I'm so proud of her, she gave us two hens. Out of the eight babies from the other slut there are 6 roosters and 2 hens. I was thinking about keeping the name in the Arrested Development strain and naming them Lindsey and Maybe. But I'm not totally sold on that one. Any suggestions? Perhaps I'll take a photo of them and maybe you'll get inspired.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Best in show

I went to the Ekka yesterday and visited the poultry on show. At first I was excited to see all of the ducks, chickens, cocks, turkey and geese but then I got a little upset they were all in these really small pens. The roosters were going off crowing, the ducks were honking and in general it smelt like shit. I think there must have been over a 1000 birds in this pavilion. I had originally planned on taking some photos of the prize winning Muscovy but you know what. Miss Muffet is clearly the prettiest duck ever, she would have won hands down. Only I wouldn't want my ducks in a little cage on display like that.

The male Muscovy ducks that one in the 'heavy division' where clearly much bigger than Tommy and would have ripped his head off should they ever met. These drakes looked all rough and dirty with their feathers broken - like how my boys used to be. Tommy now looks so white and clean.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Duck Therapy

I met someone on Saturday who explained to me that she believed in a thing called 'Duck Therapy'. The funny thing is I hadn't even mentioned my ducks. I try to keep my ducks and my blog out of general conversation at music festivals.
So I learnt all about this "therapy" which just involves watching ducks for their calming effect. As I told her tonight I feel like the dice man, like I've been practising this all along but now it has a name. So now when I stop working and go outside and play with the animals I'm actually doing something constructive, I'm having a little 'duck therapy' time.Lady has been laying eggs and now has a nest in appears to be nesting. Her nest is in one of the bread baskets which was fallen down a little because its not used to the weight of a duck. I don't think she'll be there long as I'll take her eggs soon. I was told that duck eggs are great for cooking sponge cakes. Now if only I had an oven.

Speedy has finally ditched her kids. I'm impressed she lasted this long.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Speedy vs Brown Bitch

I let the brown bitch out of the pen with her babies this morning. It didn't last long though as Speedy attacked her. Speedy was really getting into it with her I had to separate the two of them. I ended up picking Speedy up and trying to calm her down (which didn't really work as she wasn't listening to me) and pen her in the chicken pen until I locked Brown hen and her babies up again.
I'll let brown bitch out in another few days, but not at the same time as when I let everyone else out. Perhaps then Speedy wont fight with her. I'm not even sure why they were fighting.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tommy (said with French accent)

I'm pretty sure I saw Tommy get jealous of me feeding Old Boy. Or at least I'd like to think so.
I was feeding them some food and Old Boy always gets my attention as he stands right in front of me and generally I feed him all the best bits. After a while Tommy came over and had a little chat - I call that jealously. Old Boy shrugged it off, or couldn't' really hear it. He was too focused on the food. My camera is the studio at Malibu at the moment, so we'll just have to make do with these old shots of Tommy. I love this one, it looks like Tommy has a fake moustache on.
I just got a new computer and damn, my pictures look great. I didn't realise what such great photos I took, well I did, but the colour is amazing!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Young chick

If you can look past my crap photography this is the young chicken to watch. Its feathers are quite pretty, no Blondy Bear but we'll see. These young chicks snap at my fingers and are very game. I thought this chick was going to peck the camera.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Its cold

Miss Muffet was so wet today. She jumped out of the pool and was shaking. Sure it was raining and wet but I was worried about her. For a second I even thought about going into the house and getting a towel to dry her off but all I could just hear Papa's voice saying "Baby, she's a duck, she's meant to be wet," so I decided against it.

I think she took a bit of a pounding from Tommy and that's why she was shaking a little. I'd be very happy to see her get all new feathers as she looks so scrawny. Plus it can't help that Lady keeps eating her feathers out and eating them. I hand fed Lady yesterday as well at Miss Muffet. Miss Muffet was standing on the rock in the pen as I was handing out all of the scraps and I pick out the best things that my favourite like. Yesterday I handed a cooked mushroom to Miss Muffet and she turned her nose up at it and then I said "try it" and she did. I was pretty impressed.

Rainy days

I managed to totally blind Speedy when I took this photo. Perhaps that is why she looks a little sad. Most of the chickens chilled in the pen today as its been raining all day. Last night I went out to the pen to check on everyone and while I woke (mostly) everyone up Old Boy remained sleeping. He looked like I could have covered him up with a blanket and tucked him in.

On Tuesday I noticed Tommy had this small black mark on his head. I thought it was a bit of oil from underneath the tractor but when I let him out of the pen on yesterday I realised it was a tick and a much bigger one at that. With the aid of my neighbour we were able to remove it with not too much fuss. That is if you don't count me trying four times to catch him. On the fifth time the neighbour was there and just grabbed him and held him down with his knee as we did the delicate operation. When I grab him I end up scratched and I talk to him and pat him "its OK Tommy", but I think he responded better to the knee in the back.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Have I mentioned yet that Lady is hardcore? She's the king duck now. Tommy had his reign for a little while but now Lady rules the ducks.

What I've seen her do is pull a feather out of Miss Muffet and Tommy and eat it. That's right she eats their feathers. They are just the small baby down type feathers from their sides, but they are feathers no less.

I saw her do it with Miss Muffet the other day when she was in her way but then the next day I saw her to it to Tommy and she tried to do it today but Tommy was too fast.

Brown Bitch appears to have lost a few of her babies last night (while being locked up). I'm not sure what happened there, maybe rats. Speedy did loose a baby while being in that pen if I do remember correctly.

I put Blondy Bear in a bag this morning, it was rather sad. I feel he died too early, our love never blossomed, its always think of what could have been....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

RIP Blondy Bear

I have some sad news ladies and hens. Blondy Bear passed away tonight from injuries sustained while fighting today. I just went out to check on him and he was dead. His neck was twisted over and I couldn't see any breathing. Plus when I tapped him with my foot he didn't move. I'm not sure what I'll do with him, perhaps plant a tree in his name.
Poor Blondy Bear, he was a great young and beautiful rooster. We're still going to have to kill that other rooster as now he's proved he's fighter and there is every chance he may turn on my precious Old Boy. Plus there are heaps of young roosters coming up. Check out his blond mane, he was a once-in a life time cock.

I will eat your babies

I go out for a few hours and came home to this. There goes his beautiful good looks. I went to check on him and the other rooster and I think Blondy Bear lost. He appears to be limping. I hope he didn't break a limb or anything. Papa is away for a few days so this weekend they are getting the chop.
We de-liced the chicken pens and roosters on Sunday and everything has been fine between the two roosters, until this. I was worried they had a go at Old Boy but I don't think they did.
I've penned the brown hen with her 6 babies in with Young Boy and I think he's enjoying the company. I had to seperate her as she's not too good with this game called 'parenting. Plus Miss Muffet had a go at her and the babies the other day and I think injured/broke one of the babies leg. She has a thing with eating babies.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Introducing new Bad Mother

Brown bitch turned up with her babies a few days ago. There are six in total but I don't think they will be around long. She is the new bad mother. I think Speedy was even better than what she's doing. Last night she was out side of the pen with only two babies while six remained inside the chicken pen chirping for her. The bitch tried pecking me, but I just covered her with my jacket (my new one from Melbourne, I must like this chicken) scooped her up and took her and two babies into the pen.
Then this morning she raced out of the pen leaving all 6 in the pen. I'm going to keep a close eye on her tonight and make sure she goes to sleep in the pen with all six kids.

Speedy slept in on of the mango trees last night with her two kids. I just love that chicken, this morning when I went outside to let everyone out Speedy was at the back door. And while I did invite her in she decided to take me up on that offer with her kids in tow. At that point I changed my mind and ushered her out. As papa said I should have waited until I got a photo. I'm slipping..

Tommy and his ladies are fine, Miss Muffet is still limping but I'm afraid it may be permanent. Miss Muffet ate some thing out of my hand the other day, or snatched it is more like it. I told Papa that I think in about 6months to a year those girls will really like me. I think they don't' trust me, perhaps its because I steel their eggs?
Anyway sorry for the delay in posting, much family dramas.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm back!

So I've been back a few days now and I've just been catching up with the animals and making up for lost time. Everyone is fine and seemed to have survived me being away. The photo above is one of the better photos of my trip. This was taken at Churchill Island

I had to brake up a fight today between Miss Muffet and Young Boy. Man, does she have it in for him. She was totally chasing him, flapping her wings and getting all angry at him. While I'd like to see her kick his arse I'd be to afraid to let it happen in case he injures her with his spurs. You'd think Tommy would get into a fight more than Miss Muffet but this is the second time I've had to stop them fighting.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I found this picture of a certain someone feeding an elephant at Australia Zoo recently.

Sure its not duck related but I'm on holidays. Perhaps this one would do. Here is
Blondy Bear lit from underneath. He's a real super model in training. I worked it out the other day why I like him (until he fucks with old boy). You see back in the day Old Boy was the runt of the six roosters. Lucky for him one by one papa ate them until there were two and Old Boy saw fit after a year or two to personally take care of that, him leaving him to be one lone rooster in a pen of many ladies. That's just like Blondy Bear. Two of his siblings have gone, leaving just him and another. Young boy will go soon and then leaving just him and Yoda to teach him many wise rooster tales.

Monday, June 30, 2008


I went to Churchill Island yesterday and all I could look at was the chickens and ducks. There were a few Old Boy lookalikes but none of them had the charisma my hens. There was lone Muscovy that looked really old and bored. I felt sorry for her and then realised my ducks have got it pretty good.
I also went and saw the Little Penguins at Phillip Island and I want one. It was so cool watching them swim into shore and then turn back and then finally come in. Afterwards as we were walking back to the main area you got to watch them calling out and going to their little homes. I was going to say I'll post photos but you weren't aloud to take photos of the little chaps so I hope I've described it well enough.
Oh and the wine and food has been amazing here. Such great Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.

Friday, June 27, 2008


I was throwing the stick for Boris the other day, when who should start watching me? Lady, she was totally running with Boris to catch the stick. I think she must have thought it was food. While Boris beat her every time it was so cute to see her run for the stick.

BluRum13 gave my blog and the farm more press on his myspace. I tell ya, my ducks are soon to be celebrities.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Winter sun

Today was a lovely day, so warm in the sun and not a cloud in the sky. I sat outside for an hour or so watching the ducks and eating mandarins. Tommy was his usual boring Winter self - just sitting under a tree and occasionally moving. Lady was all over the place catching butterflies and other assorted animals. Old Boy just slept in the sun.I'm off to sunny Melbourne tomorrow, so I'm off for week. I'm leaving the precious chickens and ducks in the care of Katch and the neighbours. Fingers crossed they will all be here when I get back.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I managed to get a shot of Blondy Bear. He's totally rockin' the blond look more than any rooster I've seen before. I think I like him because he reminds me of Grey Bitch.
Brown Bitch has hit the road, I think she may be nesting on some eggs - not sure where, your guess is as good as mine. I got told the other day that Brown Bitch wasn't going to go anywhere with a name like Brown Bitch, but its too late the name has stuck. So I'm guessing she'll turn up in a months time with some chicks or she's dead.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Miss Muffet

Here is Miss Muffet and her sore foot. It seemed to be a little better today.

When I went to let everyone out this morning Old Boy was still in the pen, he was awake but he was just chillin. I think it must have been too cold and dark for him to get up. What rooster doesn't get up in the morning? I'll see how he is tomorrow.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Princess Speedy

Here is the original Miss Muffet. Princess Speedy the Wonder Chicken. Yesterday was a great for photo shoots. This was a one-take photo. Speedy will be two this year.

Miss Muffet is still limping around on one foot. I got her out of the pen today and she pottered about, I worried about her getting depressed by being in the pen by herself. I'm still a little worried about her as she was breathing through her mouth. The baby girls did that when they were dying. I'll keep a closer eye on her.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Here's Old Boy, every bodies favourite rooster. We got rid of another rooster yesterday so all chickens have been allowed to roam free today (excluding Young Boy, who is in the old duck pen). I'm a little worried about Old Boy, I think his age may finally be catching up on him. This has been his first day he's been out of the chicken pen in a few days so he's been enjoying the sun.

Its been a while in between photographs for Old Boy and he still manages to nail this photo, he is and will always be my favourite model.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Little Miss Muffet

Miss Muffet is back to laying eggs again and unfortunately being unable to walk again. I think she must have something in her that presses against nerves or something that makes it difficult for her to walk, when laying eggs. I took most of the eggs in the pen and left her some water and food and now she's sitting in there. I think I read too much of the Mr Flapper blog as its sounds similar what is happening to Miss Muffet that is Kosmo Kirby has got. She was fine yesterday walking around and today she can't. Either that or its her way to stay sitting on her nest.
Lady is fine, she keeps walking down our driveway. I think a rooster is getting curried tonight by the neighbour. Here's Tommy having a bath with Lady, his new favourite girlfriend now that Miss Muffet is out of action.

I'm going to check on Miss Muffet....

Thursday, June 19, 2008


We had a a problem of a leaky tap this morning. The babies thought it was so much fun and have turned an ordinary piece of ground into a muddy slip and slide.

Tommy's been getting down and dirty with them, but in moderation. I got two duck eggs out of the pen the other day so I'll I need is two more eggs and I've got duck pasta. I'm not sure which of the two is laying the eggs but I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

Monday, June 16, 2008

RIP Young Rooster

Papa killed the injured rooster tonight and we cremated him. I'm still not sure what happened but whatever it was it happened on Thursday night so he definitely wasn't better by now - it was time to end it for him.
I had to help papa along as he kept putting it off, even wanting to do it tomorrow, but that was until I told him he was going soft in his old age. Damn I'm a hard arse.

Whats that, can I eat it?

If I didn't know it I'd think that these girls liked me. I think I'm really starting to win them over (with food of course). I was feeding them paw paw here, pity only Tommy liked it though.
I brought back some special food from the larder today so perhaps I can entice them closer tomorrow. I've been discussing further my Ducks of LBC enterprises. I was at the markets a few weeks ago and while I was able to buy most of my food for dinner I was unable to buy pasta. So I think I've found a gap in the market. I thought that if I could get more lady ducks then I could get their eggs and make baby girl pasta for a hobby . Now this would require me to run a market store, which is sort of like my nemisis but from there I'd be able to sell other assorted merchandise.
I see a stall with lots of big picture of my ducks around me.
How changed am I? This Mullumbimby air must be getting to me.