Thursday, October 9, 2008


In case your wondering RFKAGC is the new name for the 'Rooster Formally Known As Golden Child'. This rooster has it in for some duck lovin. He was chasing Miss Muffet around yesterday and then he wanted some Lady action as well. The other day he even went up to Tommy and looked like he was going to pounce on him. Tommy realised this and had a little word to him.
Its been quite at the farm of late, my love for taking photos of Old Boy has gone, I've got a rooster that wants to have sex with my ducks and Speedy well shes just the Princess that she is.
I watched Miss Muffet and Lady munch on some dog shit the other day, they loved it. All I could think about is the crack fox from The Mighty Boosh.
I'll try and get a photo of RFKAGC for you.

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