Monday, August 18, 2008

Lady Pasta

Ralphy has been hanging out a lot at the ranch lately. We think he must be nesting with some new baby Ralphys on the way so he's needing more food. Its been great having him back and he still manages to impress us with with "g'day mate" and barking like a dog.

We made duck egg pasta on Sunday for the cafe. It was a great experience and the first time I've done it since the baby girls died at the beginning of the year. So if you're near the larder soon, get on down there and try some Miss Muffet and Lady pasta. Miss Muffet has decided to nest on one egg. When I get home later today I'm going to take it. Speedy is also laying eggs, she's been laying eggs in the shed which the chickens aren't aloud in. I turn a blind eye though. Yesterday Papa was telling me that he saw Speedy go into the shed and couldn't find one of her two nests of eggs so she came back out of the shed and just started attacking all of the chickens. To that I responded, "Speedy's a real firecracker".

I took some great photos of Old Boy sleep in in the sun on Saturday. I'm yet to upload them, but I will do some later today. I think me and Papa are going to take him back to the vet to get a check up on his eye. It seemed a little puffier than normal and I'm pretty sure he's blind. Maybe he needs an optometrist and not a vet.

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