Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Miss Muffet update

Well nothing has really changed since attending the vets yesterday. They are unsure what it is and the vet still seems to think its a tick. Miss Muffet is now on liquid antibiotics, last night she slept on the veranda. I can't put her back in with the animals as she needs her water to the separate. She's not really eating food anymore, the occasional curios but that's it. The vet said she's lost a little weight and perhaps she just has no energy and muscle to stand up. She's now outside near the back door and I think much happier, although still not eating. I'm really not sure what it is or if she will get better. Her breathing is at times through her mouth and others time through her nose. I just wish she'd eat some food.
I've looked over her a few times and unfortunately I can't find a tick.

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