Monday, June 30, 2008


I went to Churchill Island yesterday and all I could look at was the chickens and ducks. There were a few Old Boy lookalikes but none of them had the charisma my hens. There was lone Muscovy that looked really old and bored. I felt sorry for her and then realised my ducks have got it pretty good.
I also went and saw the Little Penguins at Phillip Island and I want one. It was so cool watching them swim into shore and then turn back and then finally come in. Afterwards as we were walking back to the main area you got to watch them calling out and going to their little homes. I was going to say I'll post photos but you weren't aloud to take photos of the little chaps so I hope I've described it well enough.
Oh and the wine and food has been amazing here. Such great Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.

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