Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More Press

Check it out. While not yet discussing the ducks (he will) BluRum 13 is offering his opinion on those crazy cocks.
Here is Mr Chatty Pants (Tommy) with the ladies. I've noticed he talks much more than the ladies. Gone are the days when I'd hear the ducks talking from my desk. The ladies are becoming much more aware of me and my ability to feed them. Give it about a month and they will be eating out of my hand. I was surprised but Miss Muffet is more into it than Lady. I think Tommy is just jealous that he's not just getting the food anymore. This afternoon when we were having a snack the whole gang was around - the ducks, Old Boy, Blondy Bear and Ralphy. All that we were missing was Speedy.

1 comment:

Remy The Dog said...

I finally put this blog up on mine as "required reading". Took me long enough. Geez.