Monday, September 3, 2007


I thought I'd venture back to tell you why I named my ducks their names and how I can tell them apart. Katcsa is Hungarian for duck. Katcsa she was one of the two ducks I decided I'd keep - her and Beaker. As a duckling she was the largest and the slowest. Slow is probably a wrong label but she had this look in her eye. To be honest I used to call her the retarded duck, but I was advised against calling her this, so we decided on Katcsa. I used to spell it Cotcha, if you read my earlier posts until I was corrected. But I think the spelling of it may not even be correct now, I have a feeling it may not have a T in it, but its too late now, so Katcsa it is. I can tell her apart from The Twins because her mask is orange. The Twins mask is more pinky, plus she is rather bossy.

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