Thursday, September 6, 2007

Climbing the walls

When I was putting the ducks to bed last night I noticed that even Mandy was in there. He was huddled up the back but they were all close together. I was pretty pleased as I assumed this meant they had worked their differences out. So there I was getting their food together and setting it out when I hear flapping and general noise. I went over to stop the ducks (I assumed they were fighting) when I noticed it was Mandy climbing up the fencing to reach his bed at the top. I was so impressed, I always wondered how he made it up there considering i didn't think he'd be able to fly that high (not even a metre off the ground).
I think Mandy actually likes it up the top, he likes getting his own food and water.
Speedy is still getting penned at night. I locked her in the chicken pen this morning and she went straight in at sat on some sluts eggs. I told her that is not the way to make friends. Needless to say I had to intervene otherwise Speedy would have been pecked. I ended up taking all the eggs to prevent more fighting.

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