Saturday, September 22, 2007

Egg Fever

My day in lights is finally happening. My snaps of the farm are soon to be exhibited at The Little Larder, it was hard going through them all as I have so many of them. I could show photos just of Old Boy alone, but rest assure I've included a few of Speedy and Mandy. I've been told that my baby girl pasta has been selling well at the cafe. I tell you those shirts will be ready in know time.
Katcsa is still sitting on her invisible eggs. I'm afraid she's become a crazy duck. I pay out on the chickens that do the same, and now Katcsa is doing it. She's got Egg Fever. One day she'll get bored of sitting on the nest I'm sure. I tried the tough love approach yesterday and shut her out of the pen when she got up for a smoko break. She was off the nest for about 15 min and then she ran down to the pen and was climbing up the walls trying to get in. I watched for a little while and then cracked and opened the door so she could return to keeping her 'eggs' warm.

I found this photo of a very young Speedy with Katcsa.

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