With Izzy being here I have access to a camera again. Here is a photos she took of the ducklings from L to R is Kitcsi, Albie and Izzy. We've had a fun time feeding the animals and we even tried patching the fence but alas I didn't have a pliers so that task was abandoned.
Its been raining here off and on for about a week now. Most nights I believe we're flooded in and here is creek near our house. Papa has left for LA for a month, so no doubt he'll be tuned into the blog whiles he's away!
Izzy managed to capture me and Princess Speedy sharing a moment yesterday, if I'm feeling daring later, I'll post it. Papa put the chickens to bed last night and cracked the shits. I heard him say "Speedy should be eaten". Speedy was leading all of the chickens out of the pen and around the back instead of into the pen to go to bed. It took him a lot of stick banging but got them all to bed in the end (and Speedy is alive).
I can't believe how big the ducklings are now! So pretty. And I was wondering if you'd been flooded in, heard the news. Fancy sending some of that rain down here? We're a tad dry.
Now - about Brown Bitch - I think you didn't like her because she ditched her kids AND I think it may have had something to do with her not shagging Old Boy, but one of the other roosters instead?
Thats an interesting comment about her not shagging Old Boy. Old Boy had way better taste than her. I've been thinking overnight and it definitely has something to do with Speedy. Maybe it was becuase she was photographed for J Mag and Speedy missed out. I don't know. BUT she did shit on me last night from the mango tree as I was trying to get her to bed, so now I have new a reason.
Being shat on definitely counts as a valid reason to dislike someone (or a chicken in your case)
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