Thursday, April 2, 2009


We got rid of a few roosters and did our bi-annual cooked up on Sunday. The roosters were becoming very unruly and disruptive so now we're back to having four roosters.
There is Golden Child, Blondy Bear the second, another young gray rooster and then a black one from the group that was just killed. He must have hid from Papa very well so he lived.

Izzy arrives from LA tomorrow and will be taking lots of photos, so no doubt I'll be blogging up a storm. I think there was a goanna this morning as Tommy was protecting Lady and the ducks and there was much chirping. Our chickens have been hanging out down the front of our house today. Its total turf wars with the chickens from next door.

Its raining here, I'm about to go and see how my drainage is going down at the chicken pens.

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