Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vet update

Well Miss Muffet is still at the vet. She didn't end up having the x-ray yesterday as her breathing was laboured and the vet wanted to observe her longer. She had diarrhoea yesterday but today she maintained her weight and had the x-ray. The vet is going to call me back tomorrow with the results. But basically they told me on the phone tonight that she's never going to recover and she needs 'palliative care'. I'm now wondering if it was the best thing taking her to the vet, i hope I haven't distressed her too much. When I was speaking to the vet today, I told the vet aide to tell her I missed her.
I think she'll be fine once she comes back, I'll always keep a close eye on her.
Everyday is a blessing.
Still no ducklings from Lady - I've given up hope of ducklings.

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