Thursday, January 15, 2009

Annoying mother

My "I'm just going to check on the ducks" and "I'm going to go and see if Lady has any ducklings" has turned into me going over to to their pen to annoy them.
I don't do it on purpose, but I really want ducklings. I can't wait to see Lady swim with them. Its going to be so cute. I've never been good with surprises. I just want her to have the babies now. Speaking of ducklings I should go and check.. Something could have happened in the 2 hours since I was last out there.
I should set up a duckling cam like the Shiba Inu Puppy Cam it would be a hit, I tell you. I'd be able to set up a second monitor and watch it while I work.\
"Does this annoy you when I put a camera near your nest?" Still no ducklings when I last checked at 7.30pm.

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