Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Its official - Speedy has ditched her babies. Poor GOB and Lucille 2 are motherless and no longer walk to Speedy's chirping. They sleep with the ducks and Speedy sleeps there two but not huddled together as mother and chick should be. Actually Speedy slept in a tree last night but I'll be home and tonight and will put her in the pen.
Speedy tried to hide from me the other day - when I went to find her to tell her she needs to be with her babies, she ran underneath the worm farm but I saw her and chased her out of the patch. Perhaps I wont write that book on parenting after all.
Tommy is getting a red ring around his neck, it looks like a bow tie. Katcsa looks like she's been in a fight and someone has bitten her nose. There appear to be a scab on it, personally I think she's had a nose job and blaming it on a deviated septum.


Remy The Dog said...

Don't tell anyone, but up there on my "Favorite Christmas Gift" list is the fact that I had a hand in naming Speedy's babies...

melbajh said...

Thats great news. I think they are really coming into their names too. Earlier today when they were going to bed I said to myself "I'm so proud of GOB and Lucille 2" except I half expect to see one of them on a motorised scooter.

Remy The Dog said...

As long as neither of them grow up to be never-nudes all is well. :)