Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Queen Speedy

At long last a better photo of Speedy with her babies. Here she is tonight getting ready for bed, I hope I didn't blind her too much with the flash.

She is the smartest chicken ever, and I'm not being biased. This morning when I was off feeding the ducks and chickens Speedy went into the shed (where she isn't supposed to be) and I heard her make this strange chicken noise. The other chickens chirped back to her and there was a bit of excitement in the pen. So I went in there to get her out of the shed when I realised there was a snake in there and that's what she was talking about. Smarty. So there a now 3 black hens and 2 roosters and 10 babies. I hope some of the babies survive as our chicken numbers a dwindling. The other black hen is like a zombie, she has been sitting on one egg in the chicken pen for what seems like ages.

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