Monday, December 31, 2007

Little Liza

The black slut with the 6 babies has taken to looking after Lucille 2 (who I've accidentally called Liza a couple of times). Last night Lucille 2 went and slept in the chicken pen up with all the other babies, hopefully this will continue on. The only problem is I may no longer be able to tell who is Lucille 2, but that is fine with me. I'd prefer her to have the warmth of a mother than be a solo chicken.
We were out on snake patrol again last night. This snake was particularly big and just kept hanging around the roof of the shed. Our $80 rechargeable torch is a piece of crap too so the light kept going out, plus did I mention it was pissing down rain? We were quite the sight to behold.
I need to get me a snake charmer.


Remy The Dog said...

I don't log in for a few days and THIS is what I come back to? Snake infestations, baby chicken deaths, torrential rains? I am sad that GOB didn't make it but hopefully you can blast Europe's "The Final Countdown" in his honor. Things are thankfully less tragic and chaotic here. Happy New Year and good luck weathering the elements...

melbajh said...

yep its non stop action here, hence the reason why I started a blog!! I'm so disappointed that GOB died, he's my favourite character out of Arrested Development. I think the next chicken will be called Tobias.