Thursday, November 1, 2007


Speedy nearly pecked me yesterday and it wasn't even for the above photo. Any other chicken would peck the camera, but not my little Speedy. What did annoy her was I was feeling under her wing, I was just checking for ticks and lice. But she didn't peck me she just made the motion to. I retreated and realised I may have bothered her a little.
However, I went back in the evening and noticed that Speedy was no longer in her box and was standing on a branch. Mongy foot and pushed her off her eggs and was sleeping there. Well I was having none of that and moved Mongy foot along. Then I picked Speedy back up and returned her to her nest. She was happy to be back on her eggs again. I'll be damned if another chicken is going to lay claim to Speedy's eggs... all two of them.

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