Friday, November 2, 2007

Birthday girl

I was thinking this morning that Speedy must be about one year old now. I remember the morning that I went out and found the two and a half chickens and found Speedy's mum dead. We had a few friends visiting from Brisbane and I was out showing off the ducks when we found this chick that couldn't walk and was quite damaged that was still cherping. Poor Chris, I made a guest of the rancho end this poor little chick's life. Sure I'm a farmer but I couldn't do that. This was in November. Speedy and the other chick were off hiding but I could hear them.
Then a few days later I rescued Speedy and the rest is history.
I'm so excited about her having babies. I got the other chicken off Speedy's eggs again last night. I really should do it earlier than dusk as its a bit hard for the chicken in the dark.

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