Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Well I've done it again... I've managed to combine my love of songs from Grease with the animals. Every time I see Mandy or talk to him I always sing "Mandy" instead of "Sandy" in the song about being stranded at the drive in.
I also think of the song that Angel used to sing to Lorne so that he could read him (on Angel) was called Mandy. As you can probably tell, Mandy and I have totally bonded.

We lost another baby chick last night We're now down to one baby black and one brown. Lucky Speedy slept in with the ducks, her number could have been up.
I just went over to put the ducks to bed and Mandy in with the chickens when I saw Mandy had already found himself a position in with the ducks but up on the bed. I've never seen a boy duck fly up there so I assumed that he was placed up there by someone but he wasn't. I think Mandy is sending me a clear message he wants to sleep in with ducks. So I guess he must be ready to be back with the main duck population. Hopefully he wont fly down too early in the morning and get beaten up. I've gone over a few time tonight already and Mandy is still up there, but so is Katcsa. He needed some company.

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