Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fight club

After the coup yesterday I was a little worried about what I'd come home to today. I called Hydrorancho on my way home from the Larder to get a head count on the ducks. I received confirmation that one was missing. After about half an hour I got another call and the male duck had been accounted for, he was just having some "alone time". Once I got back I tracked the duck down (which was Mandy) we had a chat. I gave him some bacon from the cafe and took him a water bowl. After many sips of water and after some trust was built, Mandy stood up and revealed that he was quite injured. Normally this is the time when I run to another person at the Hydrorancho but he's not here. I grabbed a washcloth and had a good look underneath Mandy's chest. I was about to take him to the vet when I saw him waddle off to chase a female duck down. After that I realised he wasn't too injured after all. It turns out all the blood is from his middle toe nail, its been ripped and he's missing half of it.

It looks like everyone was bleeding at some stage today. This is the back of Tommy.

Beaker looks the best, I'm not sure if this makes him the new boss though. From what I've observed this afternoon it looks like Beaker and Tommy are going to fight that one out.

I've had to pen Mandy in with the chickens tonight. I will go out and check on him soon. This is Beaker checking out Mandy after I put him in the pen.

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