Thursday, May 31, 2007

Running of the Goat

I just got home from my mums house and when I was walking in the door I heard this faint 'nay'. I heard it a few times so I went inside and turned on the light. And there was a goat just chilling, it let me get reasonably close to take a photo. It then stood up and followed me right to the door inside. I got a little scared as its horns are quite large. We tried to shoo it away and every time I went outside it started running at me. I think maybe it was my bright red jumper so I took it off. But unfortunately it ran off to the bananas, which is where it is now. Damn thing had better not go in the patch.

Good times

This is one of my favourite Old Boy and duck photos. I saw it on my screen saver the other day and thought I needed to post it. The babies are fine at the moment, although I'm still a little worried about Mandy. While I don't think he is sick or anything I just think his pride and self-confidence has been damaged. He's certainly not getting laid as much as before!
When I put out the breakfast earlier this morning I watched Speedy and she did an Old Boy trick and walked around the food scaring everyone away. I had to step in and remind her that the bowl is communal and she must share with the baby girls.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

To fly or not to fly

My ducks don't really fly much anymore, but late last week one of the baby girls summoned the courage to fly onto a chair. In the photo she looks like she's about to fly up onto the roof. While two of the baby girls flew up onto the roof once, it was a long time ago and I warned her she wouldn't make it. She stood there moving about on the chair for about an hour.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Tiny, Big Red and Cock

I've just returned from a fabulous weekend in Somersby meeting some old friends and many new ones. Here is my favourite pony ever - Tiny. Tiny would walk around the property, hang out with the dogs and come to the door. Not to mention check the dog bowls for food. I wonder if I'm too old for a Pony?Here is a photo the Big Red and Cock. Big Red is the rooster that sort of looks like Old Boy just about double the size. Cock is the white rooster in the front. The next sort of chickens I want to get are going to be like Cock. I love how he had feathers on his feet, he looked so funny when he ran around. I found these chickens didn't really enjoy being photographed. I think I may have scared them a little, hence why they are huddled in the corner.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I don't want to keep harping on about how good old boy looks now, but I will. This photo was only taken a few months ago and he looks like a new chicken now. He was so close to deaths door.Speedy is still the prettiest female chicken in all the land. I tell her that most nights when I put her to bed. I'm so glad she still lets me pat her, she's mummies chicken. Beaker and Mandy got into another fight yesterday and I noticed that one of the webbing on Mandy's foot is ripped about a 1cm. Now he's limping with both feet, its quite the swagger. I put some antiseptic powder on it so it should be fine.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I took this of one the Twins yesterday, I don't think she wanted her photo taken. The ducks are getting their winter coat at the moment as they are constantly shedding feathers. They look very pretty as all of the new feathers are so white and clean. We could make a pillow out of all the feathers that lie on the ground here.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Weekend wrap-up

Old boy was happy to pose for few snaps over the weekend. I took a few photos of his feathers, which are just amazing.
The owl passed away last night. He flew away on early Saturday morning but then I found him late last night. He will be buried later today. While it is sad, at least we know he left here being loved and cared for by us, which is much better than being on the side of the road.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Animal rescue

An owl flew into our windscreen last night so we took it off the road and brought it home to Hydrorancho. Here it is resting.

The owl is still here today at Hydrorancho but is now sitting on a chair over near the patch. His neck is all stiff as he appears to be finding his centre. I'm not sure what sort of owl it is or its name.

We put some food out for it, but a kookaburra is eyeing it off. I just went out on checked on him and he has moved, his neck is less straight and looking more owl like. I think he will fly off today.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Photo time

Yay the camera is back.Here is Speedy looking as pretty as ever. This morning I had to separate her and one of The Twins as Speedy went to eat some of her egg shell that I gave her. There was jumping, lots of feathers, flapping and honking on the ducks behalf. This twin hasn't been in a good mood for a few days now, so she's in the pen enjoying some alone time. I took this photo of Mandy as he huddled near me to hide from Tommy and Beaker. I have to keep a close eye on those boys at the moment.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Well I've done it again... I've managed to combine my love of songs from Grease with the animals. Every time I see Mandy or talk to him I always sing "Mandy" instead of "Sandy" in the song about being stranded at the drive in.
I also think of the song that Angel used to sing to Lorne so that he could read him (on Angel) was called Mandy. As you can probably tell, Mandy and I have totally bonded.

We lost another baby chick last night We're now down to one baby black and one brown. Lucky Speedy slept in with the ducks, her number could have been up.
I just went over to put the ducks to bed and Mandy in with the chickens when I saw Mandy had already found himself a position in with the ducks but up on the bed. I've never seen a boy duck fly up there so I assumed that he was placed up there by someone but he wasn't. I think Mandy is sending me a clear message he wants to sleep in with ducks. So I guess he must be ready to be back with the main duck population. Hopefully he wont fly down too early in the morning and get beaten up. I've gone over a few time tonight already and Mandy is still up there, but so is Katcsa. He needed some company.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Simple life

I'm putting an old photo up today so I can remember back when the ducks were all friends and it was a simple life. Around midday everyday I'd take photos of the babies swimming in the pool. Currently Mandy is still separated from the rest of the ducks and everyone is penned up as I'm in Brisbane. I was unable to lock Speedy up so I hope she's OK tonight.
I woke up at 5.30am to hear Young Boy crowing, I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep unless I went out and checked there were no snakes. There wasn't, just 9 chickens all sitting around in the dark.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I could barely sleep last night I was worried about snakes and that Mandy was locked in with the chickens. Every time I went out to check on the animals Mandy was always standing near the door getting wet.
I think the baby girls are enjoying the drakes fighting as it gives them a bit of time to themselves. I've noticed that most of the ducks feathers are growing back, perhaps getting ready for winter. Katcsa looks so cute and fluffy. I'll be sure to take photo once the camera arrives back from LA.
I took this photos of Speedy and Old Boy getting some sun the other day, its not often I see Speedy catching some rays. I kept a close eye on the new orphan black chick last night to see where it slept and if it was distressed its mother was gone. I was so pleased to see it was cuddled up to the other brown chick, so its aunt. I've never seen a chicken look after someone elses baby so I was very pleased, normally they peck them.
We're down to nine chickens now (including 2 roosters), and none of them are laying. I think we're going to have to buy some more.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Long Day

Well I didn't have to pick the chicken up. Mick the neighbour came over and picked it up. It was pretty funny just after he picked it up we then had an animated conversation about snakes and other assorted things, mean while he was still holding onto her legs, so the chicken is swinging around while he's moving his arms. I had to stand back at one stage in fear of being hit. He thinks it was a snake that killed her as her head had been slobbered on so it looks like the snake attempted to ingest it but then working out she was too big and regurgiated it. Poor thing.
The remaining chicks and mothers we have are now sitting in the mango trees. Mandy, Old Boy, Young Boy and the child-less black hen is in the chicken coup. Mandy didn't want to go in the pen so I had to pick him up and take him in, he had that wet dog smell about him. I think he needs a bath.


Mandy is slowly recovering from having his toe nail ripped out. He is walking more but it appears to be still sore. He is still sleeping with the chickens at night and during the day I keep him penned. I went to let the chickens out this morning and found one of the brown chickens dead. I think it was a snake as I can see a hole in the wiring. I've asked a neighbour to come up and remove it but I have a feeling he's forgotten. The chicken that died is the one who is parent to the youngest black chick. Hopefully the baby chick will be ok, I'll keep an eye on it tonight and see where it goes to sleep. I really don't want to pick up this dead chicken.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fight club

After the coup yesterday I was a little worried about what I'd come home to today. I called Hydrorancho on my way home from the Larder to get a head count on the ducks. I received confirmation that one was missing. After about half an hour I got another call and the male duck had been accounted for, he was just having some "alone time". Once I got back I tracked the duck down (which was Mandy) we had a chat. I gave him some bacon from the cafe and took him a water bowl. After many sips of water and after some trust was built, Mandy stood up and revealed that he was quite injured. Normally this is the time when I run to another person at the Hydrorancho but he's not here. I grabbed a washcloth and had a good look underneath Mandy's chest. I was about to take him to the vet when I saw him waddle off to chase a female duck down. After that I realised he wasn't too injured after all. It turns out all the blood is from his middle toe nail, its been ripped and he's missing half of it.

It looks like everyone was bleeding at some stage today. This is the back of Tommy.

Beaker looks the best, I'm not sure if this makes him the new boss though. From what I've observed this afternoon it looks like Beaker and Tommy are going to fight that one out.

I've had to pen Mandy in with the chickens tonight. I will go out and check on him soon. This is Beaker checking out Mandy after I put him in the pen.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Some serious action has gone on today and I didn't even notice until I was putting the babies to bed. It seems that Beaker has overthrown Mandy as the leader of the ducks. It looks like they got into a bit of a fight and now Beaker has been chasing Mandy around the pen. It was like a washing machine in the pen, the three boys chasing each other. Mandy chasing Tommy and Beaker chasing Mandy.
I put Mandy up the top in the pen as they needed to be separated. If it continues I may have to house a few in with the chickens. I tried to take a few photos, but I just felt like George Snr from Arrested Development filming his sons fight.


The babies were off exploring today. I thought the two girls were going to fly down the retaining wall, but I think they got cold feet once the camera came out.

Monday, May 7, 2007


I like it how one of the chicks is has its head under its mums wing. While the chicks were sunning themselves, Speedy was in the shade. She can be such a duck, sometimes.
I think some of the neighbours chickens became snake food last night as I could chicken noises at about 10.30pm. I ran out to the pen with a broom and a torch, only to find my chickens catching some z's. I proceeded to wake everyone up and check for snakes when I realised it must have been the neighbours.
Here's Katcsa washing off under the protective eye of Beaker.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The boys

To the untrained eye these three ducks all look the same, but that's Mandy at the front, Tommy in the middle and Beaker at the back.
I had to stand in between Beaker and Mandy this morning to separate them. I've told them a number of times they need to just chill out, but it just falls on deaf ears. All of the boys are getting new tail feathers. I can't wait to see them with a proper tail instead of they current stumps they've got. Although I'm sure the feathers will break on the first fight they have and it will be all stumpy again.

Mandy, looking not to impressed that I've come in between himself and Beaker.

Friday, May 4, 2007


I'm sure I blinded Speedy with the flash, but she still looks pretty. This photo doesn't really show off her amazing feathers, but sometimes they are green and other times blue. Her mother used to be quite blue. I often tell speedy that her mother was a good hen, a good breeder. I'm expecting Speedy to be quite the mother when she starts laying.

Winging it

Today was D-Day for the baby girl with the sore wing. As I let them out of the pen this morning I did see her flap her wings. While not at full strength, it was more than I've seen her do all week.
Earlier this morning the Twin went over to the back of the bus stop to hang out, possibly lay an egg. I saw a green and yellow snake hanging out at the bus stop yesterday so I didn't want the ducks there. I walked over and stood at the edge of the long grass an said "baby girl" and out she came from the grass and flapped her way over to the other ducks. I'm so glad her wings are better and quite surprised she answered to Baby Girl.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Wing issues

Well the baby girl I was worried about yesterday is definitely better. Although not 100% she can certainly move her wings a little more. Her left wing appears to be sorer than the right. Yesterday I picked her up (a couple of times) trying to feel or see if there was something wrong with her wing. Turns out I had no idea what i was doing and when I asked the baby girl, she didn't respond. I have a feeling that she may have hurt it when she was swimming the other day. The pond is rather mucky and when doing a duck-dive she may have hit a wing. I'm just guessing though. If she doesn't keep improving I'll take her to the vet.
Robyn is out again today. Happy little bird that he is.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I'm being terrorised by Robin this morning. Every single window of the house Robin keeps flying into and looking for its reflection. He was catching his reflection as the last rays of sun left yesterday and was up at first light. While at first its been quite fun having this tiny little bird checking its self out but today for some reason he's going off. Its like it wants to get in the house. I actually think he really wants some company as he was up in the pond with the ducks yesterday taking a bath as well. When I walk into the patch it normally flies out there as well. So now because I'm sitting at my computer it keeps flying into the window closest to me. I've got to get a mirror and move it away from the house. That photo on the left with his tail up, cracks me up, what a poser.

This is Robin at another window, see his tiny face looking into the glass at the bottom? Its strange I'd hardly call our windows clean, I'm not sure what sort of reflection you'd see.

The Twin

I noticed yesterday afternoon that one of The Twins wings appear to be sore. After she had a swim she couldn't really flap her wings. I noticed her try a few times, and although she got better at it, she still couldn't lift up her wings to extend them. I've already had a good look at her this morning and she appears to be a little better but it still appears to be strained. I'm going to keep a close eye on her today to see if she gets any better.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I've always suspected Katcsa and Tommy had a thing going on, and this photo all but confirms it. I'm not quite sure what they were up to, but they were happy to pose for this photo.