Friday, October 9, 2009

Spring is here

The brown hen in the pen has about 10 babies, I was feeding her yesterday as she is still sitting with her babies. Izzy is still nesting, but not on any eggs. The one black hen left the nest with the one baby chick she and Izzy hatched.

I noticed yesterday when I walked into the pen that every time I step past Speedy and Ladies box/nest Speedy makes a little noise. She's like one of those door chimes when you walk into a shop. I think I must have harassed her too much on the nest by patting her.
Speedy cracks me up when she's nesting as like all chickens, she goes into this "I'm nesting" zone, where she doesn't eat or drink or leave the nest. Lady on the other hand loves it when I give her food while nesting. Yesterday I put the seed bowl into their nest so Lady could eat some food, so she was tucking into it, and Speedy just watch getting jealous, and only after Lady ate did Speedy realised that she wanted to maybe eat a little two. Honestly I could just watch that duck and chicken for hours.

Both Tommy and Kitcsi have sore feet, I'm not sure what happened to either of them, its probably just a prickle, but I'll keep an eye on them. In the evening last night, Kitcsi sat up in his bed with his sore foot up hissing at Tommy while Tommy did the same with his other foot hissing at Kitsci. They never let up.

1 comment:

Remy The Dog said...

I can just picture it- the two of them going at it like little old men with their feet up. You should try to snap a video of that. Though it makes me laugh just thinking about it.