Sunday, June 21, 2009

Them are fighting words

Its all out war at the moment at Hydrorancho. Yesterday the two girls were fighting each other with Lady egging them on. Here I was yelling out "Izzy stop it" while they didn't listen. Pulling them apart while they were fighting was certainly the closest I've gotten to patting them. Kitcsi has stayed cleared of Tommy and everyone really as he recovers from his fight on Friday.
Its back to raining here and the ducks are loving it (when they are not fighting). I had to do an early morning shovel to clear the drainage area and everything is running smoothly.
Lady has starting laying again, but I'm not going to let her have any more babies for a while. Its great timing as I was wondering if I was going to be coming home from my holiday to ducklings.

1 comment:

Remy The Dog said...

Funny, I have heard "Izzy, stop it!" more times than I can count...