Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tommy Tomato

Tommy is my handsome little man. I've been feeding him a few tomatoes and he loves it. As soon as he sees that I'm carrying a tomato he'll "run" out to me where I proceed to cut it up and feed it to him. He can eat a tomato in about ten seconds. Sometimes I manage to feed Lady or the ducklings a bite but rarely. Here he is with something in his mouth.
His hair is so fluffy at the moment, due to all the new feathers. Its been so great with the sun being out after all of that rain. Finally I've been able to put the gum boots away and enjoy all of the mud drying up.

I'm still undecided about the sex of the ducks. Originally I thought Albie was the male and Kitcsi and Issy were female but now that there is Giant Kitcsi on the scene I'm just not really sure anymore. I went back into my catalogue of photos to look at what the originally babies looked like and sure enough Katcsa looked giant compared to the other ducks and her red developed first around the beak, just like Kitcsi. So what do you think? Kitcsi is now already bigger than her mum Lady but does this make her a larger female or just a growing drake?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I think I'm in love

Maru where have you been all my life? I think I'm in love with a pussy.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Rainy days

Here is a little video I shot of the ducks playing in the mud.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh Old Boy

Whilst downloading pictures from Jolans camera I stumbled across these two little darlings. Oh Old Boy how I miss you. I think that's old Boy drinking from the duck pond, but I'm not sure. It looks a bit small for Old Boy. Who knows, but its a great shot regardless. These were taken in late December 2007. So those ducks in the background could be any of the old ones. At first I thought it was Tommy and Miss Muffet, but she didn't arrive until March 08.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Giant Kitcsi

Kitcsi is just not kitcsi at all. Here she is having a chat with Lady. I'm now stating to think she may be male. But who knows. I guess Tommy will inform me later. Izzy is in the centre and Albie on the left. They are just so cute and chatty. Its so good seeing them all hang out and including Tommy in on the fun. Actually I should go and put them to bed. I wonder if Speedy went to bed by herself today. She's such a princess

Monday, April 20, 2009

Normal again

Sorry for the delay, but with the camera broken and my new camera yet to arrive home from LA my blogging has dried up. But never fear, Jolan is visiting the farm and brought her camera so tomorrow it's business as usual. In the meantime I'll quickly fill you in on whats been happening:
  • For the first time in about six months Speedy went to bed in the pen today all by herself
  • Kitcsi is now the biggest duckling, she's even bigger than Lady; she takes after her old man
  • Tommy had a sore foot on Saturday but he was fine again on Sunday
  • The rain finally stopped on Wednesday and we've all been enjoying the sun and the mud drying out
  • I think I like Brown Bitch

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I threw Izzy some food today and she caught it in her mouth. While I wasn't able to film this exact moment, here are the ducklings hanging out at the back door. Kitcsi has grown even bigger than Izzy, while the two of them are even bigger than Albie. This You Tube video breaks my gold rule of uploading anything with me talking on it. But with no camera that takes actually photos I feel the need to upload it. Rumor has it Papa has purchased a 10 mega pixel digital SLR camera as well as a HD video recorder. Look out I'm going to go professional with my photography when he gets back.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rainy tuesday

With Papa off mothering wolves and Izzy (not the duck) leaving its been kinda quite here. Lucky for me its been raining and have plenty of animals for company.

My camera is still not working, but for some strange reason (only Sony will know) it still manages to take film, just not photos. So lucky for you, I'm going to turn into a major You Tube uploader.

Below is the family of ducks hanging out. It's great to see the babies being less scared of Tommy and him biting them less. While he still manages to bite Kitcsi in this take, it's more of a love bite.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I've done a little investigating into my dislike for Brown Bitch it was around here I hadn't made my mind up on her

and it was here that James told me she wasn't going to go anywhere with a name like Brown Bitch

I think it annoys me that she always lays her eggs off in the bush and I can't find her nest to eat the eggs?

I was already to turn a new leaf when Brown Bitch shat on me last night. But maybe we should start fresh - a new start. What do you think? But then I think does Brown Bitch needs to forgive me? So much deep thought for a Sunday morning...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Me no likey

Does anyone know why I don't like this chicken? I looked through my blog (not that well, you know how well I look for things) and I just can't seem to find the reason.
She must have done something that I didn't like, even before she ditched her kids really young.
While she hasn't quite redeemed herself (for something I don't know what she did) I am thinking of granting her some sort of pardon as she's been quite mothering with her current six kids.
Am I beginning to like Brown Bitch? Something is holding me back though, maybe Speedy doesn't like her and therefore I don't? Who knows.... I think I'm going to try and work through this.


With Izzy being here I have access to a camera again. Here is a photos she took of the ducklings from L to R is Kitcsi, Albie and Izzy. We've had a fun time feeding the animals and we even tried patching the fence but alas I didn't have a pliers so that task was abandoned.

Its been raining here off and on for about a week now. Most nights I believe we're flooded in and here is creek near our house. Papa has left for LA for a month, so no doubt he'll be tuned into the blog whiles he's away!

Izzy managed to capture me and Princess Speedy sharing a moment yesterday, if I'm feeling daring later, I'll post it. Papa put the chickens to bed last night and cracked the shits. I heard him say "Speedy should be eaten". Speedy was leading all of the chickens out of the pen and around the back instead of into the pen to go to bed. It took him a lot of stick banging but got them all to bed in the end (and Speedy is alive).

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wish you were here

Izzy arrived (not the duck) this morning and is safe and sound at the farm. What a time to come, its been raining non stop since she arrived and I'm sure it will continue to rain.
I introduced her to Tommy, Princess Speedy, Lady and the ducklings. I've never been so excited to introduce the animals to anyone. Photos will follow soon.
In the mean time please check out Remy's blog as it appears she's missing her mom and maybe jealous of the ducks (a tad!)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We got rid of a few roosters and did our bi-annual cooked up on Sunday. The roosters were becoming very unruly and disruptive so now we're back to having four roosters.
There is Golden Child, Blondy Bear the second, another young gray rooster and then a black one from the group that was just killed. He must have hid from Papa very well so he lived.

Izzy arrives from LA tomorrow and will be taking lots of photos, so no doubt I'll be blogging up a storm. I think there was a goanna this morning as Tommy was protecting Lady and the ducks and there was much chirping. Our chickens have been hanging out down the front of our house today. Its total turf wars with the chickens from next door.

Its raining here, I'm about to go and see how my drainage is going down at the chicken pens.