Sunday, March 22, 2009


I heard a rumor yesterday that the original Izzy is coming to Hydrorancho to meet our Izzy the duck. I personally don't think flying from California to Brisbane is that far to visit a duck.
I've already advised her that everyone will be on their best behaviour for her impending visit to the ranch. I'll see about putting a bow tie on Tommy. I only wish that Old Boy was still alive so he could sleep through her visit.
Everyone is penned today as I'm off to the big smoke. I don't like penning them during the day but I told them I do have to have a life you know.


Remy The Dog said...

Remy wants to know when her Auntie from Australia will make the same trip over to see her? If she is lending you her mommy for a bit, the least you can do is spend some time in California?

melbajh said...

I so can't wait to meet Remy, perhaps later this year.