Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I will eat your babies

I go out for a few hours and came home to this. There goes his beautiful good looks. I went to check on him and the other rooster and I think Blondy Bear lost. He appears to be limping. I hope he didn't break a limb or anything. Papa is away for a few days so this weekend they are getting the chop.
We de-liced the chicken pens and roosters on Sunday and everything has been fine between the two roosters, until this. I was worried they had a go at Old Boy but I don't think they did.
I've penned the brown hen with her 6 babies in with Young Boy and I think he's enjoying the company. I had to seperate her as she's not too good with this game called 'parenting. Plus Miss Muffet had a go at her and the babies the other day and I think injured/broke one of the babies leg. She has a thing with eating babies.


Anonymous said...

Poor Old Boy!!! Oh, he looks terrible! How awful. Is he ok? He's not suffering is he?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I meant to say "Poor Blondy Bear" (i'm a little tired). Is he cool? I like this rooster!