Thursday, May 1, 2008

Miss Muffet update

Miss Muffet appears to be stable, no better or worse. I'm pleased with this situation and hopefully tomorrow she'll be even better. She is still drinking water, holding her neck up and her wings are still together. She is still laying eggs and has two underneath her now.
I wonder if she's just putting this all on so I let her sit on her eggs?
Lady seems to be coming out of her shell a little bit more since Miss Muffet is chillin. Her and Tommy hung out all day today, I'm now learning towards her being a girl.
Damn, I'm indecisive.


Remy The Dog said...

What about a very effeminate male duck? Duck in a gender identity crisis? Just thought I'd throw that one into the mix.

melbajh said...

Poppa and I were just discussing the idea of a tranny duck.