Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Here we go again

I noticed this morning that Miss Muffet is sick. She was limping yesterday and it seems that the biting thing that Lady was doing to her yesterday is like "come on get up" not "I want to have sex with you" as I first presumed.
She was limping a little yesterday but I just thought that she'd hurt her foot as she is quite the explorer. But today as I've gone to feed them I noticed that she is worse and unable to flap her wings. We've checked her for ticks and couldn't find one, but both Tommy and Lady seem to be fine.
I've just booked her into the vet's at 3pm so I'll find out then.
I just realised, I think it's Botulism. She was fine yesterday morning and then in the afternoon she was limping. Now sometime yesterday her and Lady found the "pond" which is green and has not much water in it. I thought it was so cute as they were having a little swim yesterday, but now I'm thinking that that's what has made her sick. I wonder if Lady will get it.

1 comment:

Jodie said...

oh Melba, that's terrible news, I hope it turns out to be something else!