Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I think I'm back in Speedy's good books as yesterday I rescued her from another hen trying to hustle in on Speedy's nest. This hen was begging for a rumble and Speedy was pissed. Because Speedy is lower down the pecking order than this hen I knew Speedy wouldn't win so I hung around and helped Speedy. This bitch kept climbing up the ladder to where Speed was nesting. Sure enough Speedy was sitting on some of her eggs too so they really had equal rights to it but I do love that chicken.
I could only protect Speedy so much and when I retreated to the house I heard the commotion of Speedy loosing the fight and this other hen laying her egg. I told Speedy I could kick her off but by then she'd already lost interest and was out eating the grass.

1 comment:

Remy The Dog said...

Speedy looks like quite the diva here in this pose.