Friday, October 12, 2007

Old Boy Blues

I had a bit of an incident with Old Boy today. As I was getting Young Boy and some slut in the pen I had to keep ushering Old Boy back into the pen as he kept protecting the door.
So there I was walking him back in when the next thing I knew he's up on my leg fluttering around scratching at my leg. I can only think of two reasons why Old Boy would attack me
  1. He's getting old or
  2. I stood on his foot and I mistook all the fluttering and scratching as an attack when he just wanted me to get off his foot.

Afterwards I bent down and asked him what that was all about and why he'd want to do that to me. I didn't get a reply just a good stare. I really don't think I stood on his foot but I want to blame myself for his actions.

Baby girls foot was looking a little better today, she was resting on some eggs so I was glad to see her not walking around.

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