Saturday, August 4, 2007

Dirt bath

Speedy and her little dirt baths, she just loves them. It was funny Old Boy just came over and watched, sometimes they would stop and just stare at each other. Speedy used to have these dirt baths when she was half the size of my hand. As I was her adopted mother I used to do some of the things that I knew I mother chicken would do to her babies. We used to stand under trees and I would scratch around the leaves with a stick for her to forage. While I never knew what she was looking for occasionally I'd turn up a worm for her. Other times I'd take her over to the holes in the ground where there are permanent dirt baths and she'd know exactly what to do. It was so cute, she was so small (about the size of a tennis ball). She was all wings, dirt flying and just fluffing about in the dirt. I always had to stay and watch her, I wish I had of filmed it. If I ever get another orphan baby chicken I will definitely film it.

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