Friday, March 23, 2007


When I went out to the chicken pen yesterday to let them out Old Boy came up to me I noticed something on the back of his neck, it was a white and rounded, I thought it was a tick. We ended up catching him (which was rather easy) and finding that it wasn't a tick but an infestation of mites. The mites had created nests in his feathers that what the white things I could see. We pulled most of them out so now he is a little bald around his neck. Poor Old Boy, he'd been loosing lots of feathers lately but when I saw his back it was so bad. I called the vet in town and they told us the Co-op sells a mite and lice powder. After lunch we caught him again and put the powder on. This photo was taken a little while after we'd done it. I went over today to see how he is, and he's definitely not scratching so that's good. Plus he was hogging the food which is a great sign that he is feeling better.

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