Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Speedys sleep out

It is Speedys first night out in the pen tonight. Well actually that's not true, this is his third time but this time it's permanent. For me that means no more waking up to him tweeting from his banana box. He's been sleeping inside since the beginning of December so its time to cut the chord. I spent about 10min with him on sun down getting him used to the duck pen and that his box in not inside. He was so cute, he ducked under my arm as he's always done. Although its been weeks since I've picked him up at night he still knew that I'm his "mum". I've been out once tonight to check on him and he's sitting on the edge of his box. Hopefully the pen is snake-proofed as I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. I wanted to take a photo of him in his pen but I've tried taking photos of the ducks at night and all I end up doing is blinding them with the flash. Here is Katcsa when she'd fly up onto the fence at night. This is the last time I took a photo at night of the animals.

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