Thursday, January 25, 2007


Its been raining here a little and five of the six ducks are all playing in the mud. This is a photo of one of the girls all muddy. I find it quite hard taking photos of the ducks as they are forever moving, so I am quite happy with this shot.

I went over and attempted to cooerce a duck into the "pond" this morning and I'm a little concerned about it. It seems there are lots of tadpoles. I hope they are not cane toads, I don't mind frog tadpoles but I don't want to have a breeding place for cane toads. Its starting to look like a cespit and the ducks aren't really into it.

Speedy is off sitting in the chicken pen as I think he finally knows he's a chicken. Mind you, I think he would be hanging with the ducks but mud just doesn't appeal to him. I still think Speedy is a rooster, but I guess I'll just have to wait until he lays an egg.

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