You know there must be something wrong when my mother-in-law phones me to check on the animals, because I haven't been blogging. I've been thinking about writing a blog for ages but like Tommy I just felt like sitting around. Nothing much has been happening here. The babies are growing up so fast and their masks are really starting to develop. At night they no longer sleep together like a happy family.
Kitcsi is cast outside under
Speedy's nest, Lady and Tommy are on the ground in the pen and Albie and Izzy are up the top with the chickens.
Speedy is still a princess and unfortunately is very used to getting her own food inside the shed. I've been attempting to get the chickens to go to bed every night as I'm going on holiday and would like them going to bed so that it makes it easier for the neighbour.
I'm really going to miss my animals when I go away. I wish someone could update the blog or at least chat with them while I'm away. Papa and I are going to cement the edge of the pen and really get it snake proofed before we go as we'll be arriving home in early September (snake season).
Someone asked me the
other day how Old Boy was, I told him to read my blog and that Old Boy is dead. Talk about memories.
I'm going to try and get back into my routine of blogging everyday. So come back tomorrow when its daylight and there will be a photo here. It will probably be Lady (I nearly called her Miss Muffet) as she follows me to the house every morning. But damn it if she'll let you touch her.