Here is Kitcsi and Lady and the back door just a few minutes ago. You can see that Kitcsi's mask is starting to develop and you can really see he's a boy. Tommy came to the back door as soon I let everyone out today. I think he could smell the bag of tomatoes I purchased yesterday. He came over and left by the time I came outside with a tomato for him. I called out and he came over, he was near the trees. I was so happy to see that he was responding to either his name, my voice, or even the sliding of the back door.
Our relationship has really grown this year, I think ever since he became a father. Maybe he received a new appreciation for me being a parent and all.
I was alerted to the ducks being at the back door because this fool was crowing. He did though manage to take an alright photo so I'll forgive him for making a noise. I guess I do live on a farm.