- I've noticed that not only does Tommy know his name he also knows when I say "Go for a swim". I was watching him one day have a drink of water and then start bathing in it, when I said "Go for a swim Tommy" at that point he looked up and walked off hurriedly to the pool for a swim. This has happened on a few occasions now.
- Speedy is nesting, she was nesting in the shed but as I removed her from her nest at night I told her that this is a "bery bad place Speedy". As Leon can concur from my grasp of the Japanese language every thing was bery.
- I ended up moving Speedy into the shed with a few eggs and now shes happily sitting in there. I've never known another chicken to sit on eggs even though the nest has been disrupted.
- Lady has lost all of her black on her head, I can still Miss Muffet and Lady apart as Miss Muffet is far friendlier.
- We've pulled two ticks from Miss Muffet and she still comes to the back door for some food.
- Last lot of Speedy's babies died when we were overseas, as did the other rooster as the neighbours curried him up as he was attacking a hen.
- Golden child is no longer going after the ducks and I even saw Tommy chase him to claim his territory.
And I think that's about it, oh my photography is still just as crap. I will blog more now that I've brought you up to speed. Speedy should be hatching sometime soon.