Saturday, November 29, 2008

Monthly wrap up

Well here I was proclaiming I was back from holidays (which I was) but then I've been trying to get on top of all of the works since returning.. boring stuff really. Not much has really been happening but I've made a few mental notes and report them now.

  • I've noticed that not only does Tommy know his name he also knows when I say "Go for a swim". I was watching him one day have a drink of water and then start bathing in it, when I said "Go for a swim Tommy" at that point he looked up and walked off hurriedly to the pool for a swim. This has happened on a few occasions now.

  • Speedy is nesting, she was nesting in the shed but as I removed her from her nest at night I told her that this is a "bery bad place Speedy". As Leon can concur from my grasp of the Japanese language every thing was bery.

  • I ended up moving Speedy into the shed with a few eggs and now shes happily sitting in there. I've never known another chicken to sit on eggs even though the nest has been disrupted.

  • Lady has lost all of her black on her head, I can still Miss Muffet and Lady apart as Miss Muffet is far friendlier.

  • We've pulled two ticks from Miss Muffet and she still comes to the back door for some food.

  • Last lot of Speedy's babies died when we were overseas, as did the other rooster as the neighbours curried him up as he was attacking a hen.
  • Golden child is no longer going after the ducks and I even saw Tommy chase him to claim his territory.

And I think that's about it, oh my photography is still just as crap. I will blog more now that I've brought you up to speed. Speedy should be hatching sometime soon.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post holiday results

While I tried to keep my fears hidden from my loved ones while I was on holiday, I was secretly worried about the animals while I was in Japan.
"Would they still be alive when I get home?" "Would they remember me when I got home?"

I was only concerned about Speedy and the ducks, mainly Speedy though as she's so tiny and I thought would be total snake food. Much to my relief when I got home yesterday - everyone was fine, and they all still remembered me.

Miss Muffet was straight down to the back door, Ralphy flew down from the tree and Speedy let me pat her under her wing - I was home and talk about a whole world away from the Shinjuku.

My trip to Japan was amazing, it was the best holiday a girl could have. While I wont go into it too much here, above is a photo from when we went and saw the snow monkeys.